

16 Flavor Of Frozen Yogurt

We serve non-fat or low fat, non-dairy, gluten free frozen yogurt.

  • Contains live and active cultures
  • All Nonfat and NSA flavors are low in sodium and cholesterol
  • Original Tart™ and EuroTart™ flavors are made with all natural flavors and no artificial colors
  • All our frozen yogurts are compliant with the National Yogurt Association Live & Active Culture program & proudly display the LAC Seal


( Banana Strawberry, Mango Orange, Orange Avacado, Pineapple Blueberry, Amazing Blueberry Mixed )


( Taro Flavor, Chai, Green Apple, Honeydew, Natural, Strawberry, Coconut, Jasmine )

The Bubble Tea craze has been huge in Taiwan, and other parts of Southeast Asia for the last 15 years. In fact, Bubble Tea has taken Taiwan by storm over the past decade. The drink originally started as a childhood treat in Taiwan in the late 1980's at small tea stands in front of the schoolhouses. Teenagers and elementary school children looked forward to their after school tea. Tapioca pearls are made mostly from tapioca starch. Tapioca starch is starch made from tapioca or bitter-cassava plant, sometimes called manioca or yuca in some parts of the world. The bitter-cassava plant is native to South America and was introduced into Asia sometime during the 19th century. Someone came up with the idea of adding tapioca pearls as a bit of novelty, and the idea spread. This created a new fad of adding tapioca pearls into the children's favorite tea drinks.