Q&A Blog

As you may have noticed, my Easter countdown has abruptly stopped. That was not intended, but unfortunately it came like this: I had a holiday in said Easter week and was so happy to be able to cook and bake and blog and do. First of all, I have done everything that needs to be done so, if you are free for the first time after 7 months and then I was firmly convinced that the Easter weekend belong...

After last weekend's cake gluttony, what has to be lighter and fresher now, matching spring. However, I must emphasize once again how badly tasty this cake is! Some time ago I discovered a rather inconspicuous recipe in an English women's magazine. However, the combination sounded pretty good and that's why I had to make it up. It is a salad whose main ingredients are chickpeas and baby tubes. Thi...

For quick rest baking for the weekend, I have picked out another recipe with Martha Stewart, which is super easy to do and always goes down well: Brownies! However, the raspberry blondies have not been beaten so far. After having experience with monster brownies, they should be a little easier this time. But not boring either. That's when the idea with the caramelized pecans came in handy! Chocola...

Cooking quinoa in salad is a healthy alternative to the salads that we usually prepare. Quinoa is an ingredient high in calories but also in proteins, which makes this salad recipe ideal for a balanced diet. Also, we do not give you one, but three quinoa salad recipes....